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Study Shows Risk of Divorce Increases When the Wife Is Diagnosed with a Chronic or Serious Illness
In a new study funded by the National Institute on Aging, researchers from the University of Indianapolis and Iowa State University published data that appears to indicate that the risk of divorce is heightened if one partner, specifically the wife in a heterosexual coupling, is diagnosed with a serious or chronic illness. If the wife contracts an illness, the marriage was found to have a six percent greater chance of ending in divorce than if the husband is diagnosed as ill.
Chronic Health Issues and Divorce
In a sampling of almost three thousand married couples with at least one partner age fifty or older, the study’s findings show that if either partner contracts a serious illness there is a thirty-percent chance that the marriage will end in divorce. There is a nearly twenty-five percent chance the marriage will end in widowhood.
Four Good Reasons to Have a Prenuptial Agreement
You often hear about prenuptial agreements in connection with Hollywood or sports celebrities. These agreements outline, in a legal document, what will happen with assets (and debts) that you both bring into the marriage. Touted by many as being unromantic, such agreements in Illinois actually have quite a few benefits. Also, you do not have to be a rock star or a matinee idol to take advantage of them.
Why Get a Prenup?
1. It keeps family property in the family. If you have a family farm, a family business or an ancestral house that you would like to leave to your children (and their children), a prenup agreement can assure that even if you and your new spouse divorce, the family property that your predecessors worked so hard for won't leave your family.
Three Common Questions Regarding Child Custody in Illinois
Child custody and child support battles are some of the most difficult and stressful aspects of a divorce. To make matters worse, the laws governing this procedure are complex. This has led to more than a few misconceptions about divorce, as well as countless questions. Each child custody case is unique, and laws vary from state to state. This is why the advice of an experienced attorney may prove invaluable. A skilled Illinois family law attorney can answer your questions and address your concerns.
The follow questions are common inquiries lawyers often receive from child custody clients:
1. Is Joint Custody the “Default” Judgment for Courts?
Joint custody is not the default judgment. Courts in Illinois focus specifically on the most beneficial outcomes for the children involved. According to the Illinois General Assembly, the judge will consider several factors including the physical and mental health of both parents, the location of the child’s home, and any specific needs of the children.