Pesce Law Group, P.C.


Naperville | Oak Brook | Burr Ridge | Lake Forest | St. Charles

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Pesce Law Group, P.C.

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Recent Divorce & Family Law News

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Preserving Your Relationship With Your Child Post-Divorce
Preserving Your Relationship With Your Child Post-DivorceA family dynamic can change after a divorce is finalized. If you do not have a majority of parenting time with your child, you might worry about how you can remain actively involved in his or her life. Even at the best of times, preserving...
How Can I Prove That I Need Spousal Support?
How Can I Prove That I Need Spousal Support?Spousal support, or alimony, is a court order that can alleviate the financial burden of a divorce. Alimony is not awarded in every divorce, however. On the contrary, if you want spousal support, you have to prove that it is financially necessary. An Illinois divorce...
Will a Judge Honor a Divorce Agreement?
Will a Judge Honor a Divorce Agreement?Many spouses have agreements in place about how to handle a divorce, such as a prenuptial or postnuptial contract. These can lay the framework for how important issues like spousal support and property division will be addressed. However, you may be surprised to learn that...
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