Pesce Law Group, P.C.


Naperville | Oak Brook | Burr Ridge | Lake Forest | St. Charles

Bensenville Family Law and Divorce Lawyer

Skilled Divorce Attorney in DuPage County

While every divorce and family law case is different, there are a number of common elements. First, things happen quickly. In many cases, a judge holds a preliminary hearing after the petition is filed. Even though these initial orders are often based on little more than the parties' testimony, these decisions often serve as the framework for the final orders regarding matters such as child support, child custody, spousal support, and property division. These cases also require a unique approach. While an aggressive posture is a necessity, over-aggression can be very counter-productive, because it is often interpreted as an unwillingness to co-parent.

The experienced and hard-working attorneys at Pesce Law Group, P.C. are in a position to overcome both these obstacles. We quickly evaluate the facts and apply the law to make clear and concise arguments that advance your legal and financial interests. Then, as the case develops, our savvy attorneys know when to push assertively and when to be more accommodating, in order to secure the best possible result under the circumstances.

Protecting Your Household

At Pesce Law Group, P.C., families of all shapes and sizes are our number one priority. We are committed to excellence in areas like:

  • Divorce: No matter the circumstances, marriage dissolution nearly always involves significant financial and emotional expense. Marital property must be divided equitably, which is almost never the same thing as "equally," while custody, visitation, and support directives must all be in the best interests of the children.
  • Family Law: Many times, cases are continuations of a divorce proceeding. Prior orders must be frequently modified and occasionally enforced. We also routinely handle non-divorce matters such as paternity, adoption, original child custody and child support procedures, grandparent visitation, and pre-marital agreements and name changes.

We are familiar with all the procedural and evidentiary rules in all the local courts, even the ones that are unwritten.

A Measured Approach to Illinois Family Law

Simply stated, we employ proven methods to produce results that exceed your expectations. Just like a strong house is built one brick at a time, a successful claim or defense in family court is built one piece of evidence at a time. For the most part, this evidence is collected during discovery. Both parties must turn over documents like financials, school records, medical records, and other such items. Oral depositions and property inspections also take place during this phase.

Family law cases are unique, because they so often involve third parties like mediators, social workers, and guardians ad litem. While we strive to work with these individuals as much as possible, we do not hesitate to stand up for you at the moment of truth.

For prompt assistance in a family law or divorce matter, contact Pesce Law Group, P.C. today at 630-352-2240. The sooner you reach out to us, the sooner we can begin working on your case.

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