Preserving Your Relationship With Your Child Post-Divorce
A family dynamic can change after a divorce is finalized. If you do not have a majority of parenting time with your child, you might worry about how you can remain actively involved in his or her life. Even at the best of times, preserving your relationship with your son or daughter after a divorce can be a challenge.
At Pesce Law Group, P.C., we are here to support families going through legal issues. If you are unsure of your rights as a parent when it comes to custody, our family law attorneys can provide you with qualified advice. If necessary, we can help you petition for a modification of custody or an enforcement of a court order.
Stay Up to Date
Making an effort to remain in the loop about your child’s life can go a long way toward promoting a strong bond. This will require some communication with your co-parent, or simply asking your child questions about his or her social life, school, or extracurriculars.
Staying up to date about your child’s life may not be easy if you have a rocky relationship with your ex. Depending on your parenting plan, you might have strict terms of communication. If talking to your co-parent is not an option, you can make the most of your parenting time by expressing curiosity and interest about your child.
Make Plans for Birthdays and Holidays
Your parenting plan may already include provisions for important dates. Whatever agreement you have in place with your spouse, you can still try to make birthdays and holidays special. You can also make plans for other significant days, like sports events or performances. Being present during important days or accomplishments can leave a lasting impact on your son or daughter.
Remember that you have a right to reasonable parenting time under state law. If you feel like the current custody agreement does not respect your rights, our divorce lawyers can represent you in a petition to modify your parenting plan.
Stay in Contact
If you can only see your child on a limited schedule due to a parental relocation, you can still remain involved in your child’s life in other ways. Your parenting plan might include provisions for regularly scheduled phone calls so that you can stay involved in your child’s life. This can help you stay informed about your child’s life between visits so that you are not caught off-guard by sudden changes.
The courts will generally rule in favor of solutions that respect both parents’ rights. If you have any concerns about a custodial parent relocation, our family law attorneys can provide you with advocacy and counsel.
Meet With a DuPage County, IL Divorce Lawyer Today
Parenting after a divorce can be hard to manage. However, do not assume that you are less of a parent for not having primary custody. You have rights that can be enforced. At Pesce Law Group, P.C., our Naperville, IL family law attorneys are here to make sure that your concerns are heard, and we can advocate for a custody arrangement that suits your needs as well as your child’s best interests. Call us at 630-352-2240 to schedule a free consultation.