Pesce Law Group, P.C.


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Spending the Holidays Alone

 Posted on December 11, 2017 in Divorce

Naperville business law attorneyThe holidays are a special time of year for many people. They look forward to the workplace Christmas parties, family gatherings, special meals, and exchanging of presents. However, for some people this is not the “most wonderful time of the year” at all. Those who have recently separated from their spouse may be dreading the holiday season. If you are facing your first important holiday without your spouse, you may feel lonely or incomplete without them. You may worry about how to explain your spouse’s absence at family get-togethers. You may even feel like skipping the holidays completely. These are all understandable reactions to experience after a break-up. There is no perfect way to make it through your first holiday alone, but experts do have some advice to help.

Avoid Isolating

There is so much pressure to be joyous and merry during the holiday season that it can be overwhelming, especially for someone grieving the end of a relationship. If you have recently gone through a break-up, you may be tempted to stay in bed during the entire holiday season. While some alone time is healthy, complete isolation is not. Try to attend at least a few holiday events and gatherings this year. You may be surprised at how supportive your friends and family will be. Even just getting out of the house for a change of scenery can be enough to help lift your mood.

Do Not Be Afraid to “Plead the Fifth”

Break-ups are almost always messy, complicated, and confusing. You may be in a situation with your spouse which is difficult to articulate to others. Perhaps you and your spouse are attempting a trial separation or you have not decided for sure if you will divorce or not. Perhaps you have both decided that the marriage is over but you are not ready to tell other people. Whatever your particular scenario is, it is your decision whether to share it or not. Do not feel obligated to answer every question that is asked of you. For example, if a nosey relative says, “Where is your husband? He didn’t leave you, did he?” Respond with “He couldn’t make it. I would rather not talk about it,” or “It is very personal.” It is not rude to want to keep private matters private.

Seek Compassionate Legal Counsel

At Pesce Law Group, we know that getting divorced can be a complex and challenging experience. If you are considering divorce, you need an experienced DuPage County divorce attorney to guide you through the process. Our knowledgeable team will help you find the best plan of action for your particular circumstances. Call Pesce Law Group, P.C. today at 630-352-2240 to schedule your free initial consultation.


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