Pesce Law Group, P.C.


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Navigating Disagreements about Homeschooling in Illinois

 Posted on August 23,2024 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerIn Illinois, divorced parents typically share custody of their children. One parent might have the majority of parental responsibilities and visitation, but the courts prefer having both parents involved in making important decisions on their child’s behalf, including about their education. As homeschooling is growing in popularity across the country, divorced parents are finding themselves at odds over whether it is the right choice for their child. It can be frustrating and distressing when you and your ex cannot agree on something important for your child. If your ex wants to homeschool your child and you are against it, speak with a qualified DuPage County, IL divorce lawyer to review your options.

Can My Ex Homeschool Our Child if I Am Against It?

Homeschooling is an outside-the-box education model that can be an excellent choice for some children and a terrible option for others. It can be further complicated if the parents are divorced and cannot agree about it. If your ex has decided to homeschool your child and you are avidly opposed, there are several legal options you might consider:

  • Custody agreement: There might be information in your divorce court order or custody agreements about how questions regarding your child’s schooling should be decided. Your agreement might require the agreement of both parents for this type of decision. If so, the fact that you and your ex disagree might help you.
  • Court motion: If you are convinced that homeschooling is the wrong choice but your ex will not budge, you can file a motion with the court, asking it to review both sides’ arguments and decide for you. It is best if you can provide evidence demonstrating why your children are not ideal candidates for homeschooling. Whenever the court is involved, it generally puts the most priority on whatever it considers to be in your child’s best interest, but it might not end up the way you hope.
  • Mediation: If you and your ex cannot agree on the best way forward, the court might recommend mediation. It might be a less stressful option than going to court, and having a neutral third party might be the best way for you and your ex to reach a compromise that you can both be comfortable with.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Naperville, IL Family Law Attorney

It can be quite distressing when you cannot agree with your ex about important decisions that affect your child. If your ex is convinced that homeschooling is the best choice for your child and you strongly disagree, speak with a knowledgeable DuPage County, IL child custody lawyer to understand your options. At Pesce Law Group, P.C., we are dedicated to helping families reach their best outcomes. Call us at 630-352-2240 to schedule a free consultation.

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